Friday, February 22, 2008

The Freelance Zone

Looking for an almost continuous parade of inspiration, resources, reminders, and tips - about everything from how to resolve unpaid contracts to ways of reducing writer's stress? Check out The Freelance Zone Blog.

They post frequently, often multiple times a day, so it's nice that they have organized their posts by category - advice, books, editorial, gear, lifestyle, resources & blogs, travel - all accessible with just one click from the right sidebar.

As you can guess from the categories, the content is varied, but it's almost always relevant to a writer's life. It's nice to find the unexpected, then realize that it does apply to you. And it's nice to see a writer's resource that goes beyond the standard (and appreciated, don't get me wrong) roll-call of markets.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Lisa! We are mad posters and love what we do! We're going to be adding more about gear such as computers and cameras and more advice for writers of all levels.

Thanks for featuring us!
Catherine Tully