Sunday, February 17, 2008

Freelance Writers and Editors group

Ever fret about seemingly simple questions - How much are others charging for the same work and why? How do I get started with a new type of writing?

I did. Then I realized that having questions doesn't make me any less professional. Getting the answers I need helps me to be a better writer... especially on the business end of things.

The Freelance Writers and Editors discussion group is a great resource when you've got a question to ask or just want to know what others are up to. The stated purpose of this Yahoo Group is to "talk about what's important to you as freelance writers and editors." Recent topics have included what to charge for a rush job, what it's like to work for various freelance websites, and software to help you organize your book-in-progress.

The list is moderated, so there's no spam. If keeping up with lots of individual e-mails is too much for you, choose 'digest mode' and the day's discussion will arrive batched in just one or two e-mails per day.

There's more. Once you're a member of the group, you'll find an extensive listing of writer's guidelines for widely varied publications, an extensive database of articles about writing and editing, plus more. There's so much that I haven't had time to explore it thoroughly yet. It's all available at the group's website via 'Links' on the left-hand side.

1 comment:

Laura said...


Nice blog. I came from the Freelance Writers and Editors group. I'm subscribing to the feed. I look forward to future reading.
