Sunday, February 17, 2008

Writing for DOLLARS!

Who wants to write for cents? I do... but I'd rather write for dollars. Maybe that's why Writing for DOLLARS! caught my attention.

From this site you can easily access an extensive database of writer's guidelines, searchable by a number of criteria such as subject, pay rate, and what kind of material the market seeks (fiction, non-fiction, filler, etc).

They also publish a twice-monthly newsletter that includes a feature article and a number of paying markets. Back issues are available online, and over ten years worth of articles -- that's over 400 -- have been archived here.

It's nice to have newsletters like this dropped into your inbox every so often. They're like an automatic reminder: Hey, have you been inspired lately? No? Have a look at this collection of markets, you're bound to see something new!

And yes, it's all free.

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